In November 2014 BBC News published an article stating that domestic violence is more common in same-sex relationships than in heterosexual relationships according to a study conducted in the United States. Why did the researchers come to that conclusion?   To fully address the topic...

The concepts of “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” are among the most common and discussed in society today. Frequently confusing terms, we have already touched upon their differences on in one of our materials, you can read more at this link.   Very often, transgender...

The term “gender” is one of the most widely used terms in the world today. However, this term is often used by people instead of the word “sex”, while biological sex and gender are completely different concepts, often directly opposite to each other.   Gender...

HIV or human immunodeficiency virus is one of the most discussed viruses in the world today. It was first recorded in 1981, and already in 1983 the trigger of the infection and later its various clinical forms were discovered. The first HIV case in Armenia...

The 28th General Conference of UNESCO adopted the Declaration of Principles for Tolerance in 1995, and in 1996 the UN General Assembly invited UN Member States to mark the 16th of November as International Day for Tolerance to call on the public to draw attention...