Today even the most basic, universal human rights are seriously challenged by Azerbaijani aggression against Armenia.
The war situation escalated by Azerbaijan in the territory of sovereign Republic of Armenia on September 13, 2022, has thrown down a serious challenge to the to human rights, peace, and security in the region, targetting not only military but also civil infrastractures.
Since 2019, initiated by the Global Network of Sex Work Programs (NSWP), Sex Worker Pride Day is celebrated every year on September 14 as a milestone for the sex worker rights movement. This day is to celebrate sex workers’ self-determination and enhance their visibility as well as show the achievements of sex worker-led and field oriented organisations.
New Generation Humanitarian NGO also intended to share about its achievements in the field of human rights protection and ensuring the wellbeing of the sex worker in Armenia, registered over the last year.
However, never forgetting the importance of human rights protection of the vulnerable groups, NGNGO has to regretfully note that today even the most basic, universal human rights and fundamental freedoms of a whole nation are under a serious threat as a result of Azerbaijani aggression against the sovereign Republic of Armenia.
Thus, as a human rights NGO, we once again call upon the international community – the UN, the Council of Europe, the European Union, the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs – to take urgent and effective measures to end the Azerbaijani regime aggression and to resume negotiations for peaceful resolution of the conflict.