In the following case, New Generation Humanitarian NGO acts as an organization representing the
interests of Armenian Progressive Youth NGO, providing legal assistance thereto.
On March 5, 2021, regular court session of the case of the Armenian Progressive Youth NGO vs. BlogNews.am Editor-in-Chief Konstantin Ter-Nakalyan, Channel 5 / “SHARK” LLC and Arthur Danielyan took place at the Erebuni residence of the Court of General Jurisdiction of the Republic of Armenia, chaired by Judge Tatevik Stepanyan. As the court had made a decision on the distribution of the duty of proving at the previous court session, the court proceeded to the stage of trial.
Attorney Anahit Mkrtchyan presented the lawsuit based on the factual circumstances and legal analysis. During
the trial, statements were made, questions were raised, for the exhaustive answers of which it was necessary
to submit additional documents to the court.
The sitting was postponed. The next court session will take place on April 30, 2021, at 16:00, at the Erebuni residence of the Court of General Jurisdiction of the city of Yerevan.
Pre-history of the case․
On April 5, 2019, during the 5th “Dem Dimats” program of Channel / 5 TV, Konstantin Ter-Nakalian, editor-in-chief of BlogNews.am, made a false statement claiming that the Armenian Progressive Youth NGO had run LGBT propaganda campaign in one of the schools of Kotayk region.
On the following day – 06.04.2010, the Armenian Progressive Youth NGO posted a denial statement on its Facebook page addressed to Konstantin Ter-Nakalyan. On April 12, 2019, a video was posted on the Facebook page under the name “ADEKVAD” entitled “We apologize to all gay worshipers, pro-Azerbaijani walkerasts“. On the same day, hours later, Konstantin Ter-Nakalyan posted a video on his Facebook page entitled “Another trial of apology from Grigor Yeritsyan,” which, like the previous one, did not have sufficient denial in essence. Days later, on 17․04․2019, Konstantin Ter-Nakalyan again posted on his Facebook page a video titled “Many apologies, Grigor Yeritsyan … Apologies from me personally and Artur Danielyan”, with a derogatory attitude towards Grigor Yeritsyan and stating that they will continue to act like that.
As a result of the above-mentioned actions, the reputation of the Armenian Progressive Youth NGO has been damaged for the restoration of which a lawsuit was filed in the Court of General Jurisdiction of the RA city of Yerevan against Konstantin Ter-Nakalyan, the editor-in-chief of BlogNews.am website, 5th channel / “SHARK” LLC and Arthur Danielyan.