On July 3, 2020, a working meeting-discussion on Right to Health, Stigma and Discrimination and Sexuality was held at the National Center for AIDS Prevention with the participation of the Center’s medical workers.
Shushan Khnkoyan, the lawyer and trainer of New Generation Humanitarian NGO, started the working meeting-discussion. She spoke about the concepts of stigma and discrimination, the types of discrimination, the manifestations, the RA legislation regulating the sphere, the discriminatory terms and their non-discriminatory forms, the cases of discrimination in the healthcare system. She also introduced the rights and responsibilities of the patient when receiving medical care and services, RA Law on Prevention of Disease Caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
The second part of the meeting was dedicated to the topic of Sexuality. Trainer-expert Hmayak Avetisyan presented the topic with all its components. The concept of sexuality, circles and components of sexuality were introduced, the participants got acquainted with the concepts of sexual behavior, sexual orientation, gender identity, their categories and types were introduced. He also spoke about the International Classification of Diseases published by the World Health Organization, the changes that have taken place in the document, and the obligations of the Republic of Armenia as a member state.
The working meeting was held in the atmosphere of active questions and answers, healthy discussions, the medical workers sent their questions to the trainers-experts and received answers, as well as shared their own experience and expressed thoughts from the medical points of view of the topics.
We express our gratitude to the National Center for AIDS Prevention for active cooperation and implementation of a successful working meeting-discussion.