As a result of administrative proceedings, an order was made up against IZMIRLYAN medical center
As a result of administrative proceedings, an order was made up against IZMIRLYAN medical center
Based on the application from New Generation Humanitarian NGO, from April 29 until and including May 5, 2020, an inspection was carried out in Izmiryan Medical Center CJSC by the Health and Labor Inspectorate of the Republic of Armenia.
The results showed that:
- The company on its own initiative on March 16, 2020, at around 11 am, provided medical care in the 1st proctology department to the individual, R.Kh., who applied to the company without the compliance of the requirements for completing and maintaining documents approved under the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
- The medical documents that are kept, maintained and circulated in the reception lack the entries of all the necessary diagnostic examinations of the patient on suspicion of infectious disease as well as on the consultation carried out by the doctor specialist in the isolation room.
- The reception, registration, and examination of the patient were not carried out in the reception of the Company by the medical specialist as well as the decision to treat the patient in hospital (inpatient), the formulation of the established medical documents, which violated the requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.
Based on the above-mentioned, the Health and Labor Inspection Body of the Republic of Armenia to Izmirlian medical center CJSC, and director Armen Charchyan
To take appropriate measures within 30 days from the date of receiving the order, ensuring Clause 6 of the first part of Article 19.3 of the RA Law on medical assistance and service to population, Sub-clause 1 of Clause 1 of N 02-Ն order by RA Minister of Health օn the approval of the format of medical documents used in hospital medical organizations adopted on February 14, 2014, RA 1 Sub clause of the 1 Clause of the N 1752-Ն order by the RA Ministry of Health on Adult’s ambulatory medical cards, medical supervision cards for children, exchange card of newborns and prenatal patronage sheet formats’ approval adopted on November 26, 2007, 1 and 2 Sub Clauses of 1 Clause of N 44-Ն order on Medical care and services of Patient management practice in the organization’s reception adopted on October 18, 2019.
“Discrimination is unacceptable, especially if it is manifested by the employees of the health care institutions. Preventing discrimination is a complex and labor-intensive process, in which New Generation Humanitarian NGO participates in its daily activities”, notes Sergey Gabrielyan, the president of New Generation Humanitarian NGO.