The Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction of Yerevan city, represented
by Judge R. Apinyan decided:
"To partially satisfy the lawsuit filed by Grigor (parental name: Davit) Gevorgyan, Arman
(parental name: Eduard) Sahakyan, Hovhannes (parental name: Hakob) Mkrtchyan
against “Iravunk Media" LLC, Hayk Babukhanyan, Hovhannes Galajyan for the article
titled “They serve the interests of international homo-addicted lobbying. Blacklist
of the enemies of the nation and state", which contains defamatory information,
in particular alleging the plaintiffs' harassment of singers Inga and Anush
Arshakyans in form of insults and mockery, the lawsuit demanding refutation,
public apology and compensation in the amount of AMD 3,000,000 (three
million) for the insult and slander caused to each of the plaintiffs, demanding
affirmation of discrimination and incitement of hatred towards the plaintiffs, obliging
publication of the affirmation of the fact of the caused discrimination and incitement of
hatred against the plaintiffs on the iravunk.com internet news website. The lawsuit was
dismissed on Hayk Babukhanyan’s part, the remaining part of the claim was satisfied
partially (see the full judgment here).
In case of non-execution of the judgment voluntarily, it will be executed through the
Compulsory Enforcement Service of Judicial Acts of the Republic of Armenia at the
debtor's expense.
The judgment shall enter into force one month after its publication and can be appealed
at the Civil Court of Appeal of the Republic of Armenia within one month since the
The lawsuit was filed on June 19, 2014. The investigation lasted about six
Advocacy services were provided by New Generation Humanitarian NGO.
For more information on the case please go by this
link: https://old.ngngo.net/judges/
Activity on LGBTI issues is not defamatory but the expressions that make false
impression on the society shall be condemned.