On July 21-22, 2022, capacity building training was held for CSWs by New Generation Humanitarian NGO (NGNGO).
The goal of the training was to raise the awareness of CSWs about the importance of HIV prevention and testing, HIV prevention methods, ways of transmission, as well as to enhance their legal awareness by providing knowledge in the field of the right to health, the right to be free from stigma and discrimination.
The training was launched with the welcoming speech of the NGNGO Human Rights and Advocacy Coordinator Alina Mirzoyan who stressed the importance of the training and thanked the participants for their attendance.
After the welcoming speech, trainer Sergey Gabrielyan presented the topic “The importance of HIV prevention and testing”, giving detailed information about HIV and AIDS, , transmission ways, and prevention methods to the participants.
Next, lawyer Shushan Khnkoyan presented the topic of Stigma and Discrimination”, introducing the participants to the definition of stigma and discrimination, manifestations and types of discrimination, domestic and international legislation prohibiting discrimination.
On the second day of the training, lawyer Lusine Gasparyan introduced the topic of the Right to Health”, presenting the mechanisms of domestic and international protection, the rights of RA citizens to health, the RA Law “on medical aid and services”, the RA Law “on Prevention of the disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus”, the rights and obligations of people living with HIV.
Next, an invited expert Emil Mirzoyan, doctor, dermatovenerologist and head of STIs department of the National Center for Dermatology introduced the participants to the topic of “Sexually Transmitted Infections”, in the framework of which the expert spoke in detail about the types and specificities of sexually transmitted infections, prevention mechanisms and treatment options.
The training went on in an atmosphere of active discussions, questions and answers, including theoretical lectures and practical workshops, team exercises.
The training course was organized within the framework of the projects of “Support to the Armenian State Strategic Program for HIV/AIDS Prevention”, implemented with financial support of Gilead Sciences Inc and“HIV Prevention in Armenia”, implemented with financial support of the RA Ministry of Health from the funds of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in cooperation with the National Center for Infectious Diseases CJSC of the RA Ministry of Health.