On 19-22 October 2022, the ILGA-Europe Annual Conference took place the Bulgarian capital of Sofia.
After three years of not being able to gather in person, the conference brought the movement together in the same space once more, highlighting the importance and need to experience connection, solidarity and inspiration with and from each other.
This year’s conference was built under the ‘Shaping the World to Come’ theme with two cornerstones.
Firstly, under ‘Building Alliances in Shifting Contexts’, reflecting on how to join forces and work together to counter different anti-democratic and anti-LGBTI forces and in response to crises, and how to shape cross-movement narratives to unify and bring positive change.
Secondly, under ‘Collective Resilience in The Movement’, where questions were discussed around resourcing the movement, organisational design, fostering safety and security, staying connected and responding to changing contexts.
The conference included also the Annual General Meeting Plenary sessions, workshops, and voting and election of ILGA-Europe Executive Board, Regional Representatives to ILGA World Board and to the Steering Committees of Intersex, Trans, Women and Youth․
As an ILGA-World member, New Generation Humanitarian NGO’s (NGNGO) Human Rights and Advocacy Coordinator Alina Mirzoyan took part in the conference, as well as ran for and was elected a member of ILGA World Women Steering Committee.
“I’m very excited to represent in the ILGA World Women Steering Committee the interests and issues that women, especially representatives of vulnerable and marginalized communities, face in Armenia , to share my own experience and have my contribution in addressing gender-based discrimination, violence, and inequality issues prevailing in the region, generally and in Armenia, specifically, to discuss and develop effective and innovative mechanisms aimed at bringing about tangible reforms in terms of establishing gender equality in the region” says Alina Mirzoyan.
We wish Alina a productive activity in the Steering Committee and achievement of her goals of establishing gender equality in Armenia and in the region.