Administrative penalty was imposed on “HUSABER” CJSC for certain episodes of “Corruption 2. Retribution” TV-series
During the session summoned on administrative proceedings launched against the TV-series “Corruption2. Retribution”, on July 7, 2022, the Commission on Television and Radio (Commission) registered violation of restrictions of broadcasting audiovisual programs containing degradation of universal values, defamation, vulgarity and profanity in the prohibited time period defined by 3rd part of Article 9 of the RA law on “Audiovisual media” and N 109-Ա decision of the Commission of July 1, 2021 about “Defining the criteria for audiovisual programs with possible negative impact on the health, mental and physical development, education of minors”, committed by Yerkir Media audiovisual program of HUSABER CJSC during the “Corruption 2. Retribution” film broadcasted thereby. As a result, a decision was made to impose penalty on HUSABER CJSC as provided for by the 12th part of Article 57 of the RA law on “Audiovisual media” in the four hundred times the amount of the established minimum wage.
On July 25, 2022 NGNGO again sent a letter to the Commission with a request to launch relevant proceedings in relation to the episodes of the 20th series of the same TV program containing apparent violence against the actor playing the role of a homosexual person, threats for violence and hate speech against homosexual people,
On July 28, 2022, the N05/1-608 response letter from D. Sargsyan, head of legal and licensing department was received which informed that violations of the law on “Audiovisual media” were not detected. NGNGO sent a second official letter about the above-described matter.
The NGO will provide additional information on the process of this case.
Pre-history of the case:
On June 8, 2022, New Generation Humanitarian NGO sent a letter to the Commission on Television and Radio, requesting that relevant proceedings were launched in relation to the episodes of the 3rd part of Gor Vardanyan’s “Corruption 2. Retribution” TV-series, as provided for by the law and within the framework of the powers provided by the RA Constitution․ (details here).
In a response letter addressed to NGNGO on June 9, 2022, the Television and Radio Commission informed that administrative proceedings were launched .