On March 4, 2022, training for the outreach workers of HIV prevention programs of New Generation Humanitarian NGO was held on the topic of “Fight against COVID-19 Pandemic and Prevention measures. Effective and Safe Provision of TB and HIV Services during the pandemic”.
The meeting was attended by the President of the organization Sergey Gabrielyan, the coordinator of HIV prevention programs Artyom Movsesyan, other staff members.
Sergey Gabrielyan, President of the organization, made an opening speech, who highlighted the importance of the continuous capacity building of outreach workers in the process of fighting the epidemic, as a primary link for the vulnerable groups in the processes of service provision and transmitting of information.
The expert of the training was Romella Abovyan, Deputy Director for Epidemiology of the National Center for Infectious Diseases CJSC of the RA Ministry of Health.
After getting acquainted with the participants, the trainer presented the effects of COVID-19 epidemic, the achievements and the obstacles during the fight against the epidemic. The expert noted the importance of outreach work for awareness-raising work among the most vulnerable groups of the population, as well as the provision of consultation to those groups on COVID-19.
The second part of the day was dedicated to the topic COVID-19 and HIV, during which the compatibility of vaccine against COVID-19 and ARV therapy as well as the importance of the uninterrupted provision of TB and HIV-related services during the pandemic were discussed.
The training was held in an atmosphere of active discussions, during which the participants received answers to all their questions. The participants were awarded with certificates.
HIV Prevention in Armenia project is implemented by New Generation Humanitarian NGO with financial support of the RA Ministry of Health from the funds of The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in cc the National Center for Infectious Diseases CJSC of the RA Ministry of Health.