On January 20, 2022, citizen R. M. who is a homosexual person, appied to New Generation Humanitarian NGO. The latter stated that because of his sexual orientation, he was regularly subjected to physical violence by family members, particularly by his father and older brother, and the psychological violence was continuous. In addition, the person was deprived of the opportunity to leave the house, communicate with friends, use the phone or computer. All this has been going on for months.
The person applied for legal assistance only after he managed to escape from home.
Legal consultation was provided by the NGNGO lawyer.
The case was not processed because the latter did not want to apply to the law enforcement bodies, fearing that a comprehensive, objective, impartial investigation of the case would not be carried out, it might just be terminated on some grounds.
The 1st and 3rd clauses of the 2nd part of article 3 of RA Law on Prevention of violence within the familit, protection of victims of violence within the family and restoration of peace in the family:
- Forms of violence within the family shall include:
1) Physical violence – battering stipulated in the Republic of Armenia Criminal Code and other acts of violence, intentional infliction of health impairment, unlawful deprivation of liberty, intentional infliction of severe physical pain;
3) Psychological violence – intentional infliction of severe mental suffering, including a genuine threat of physical, sexual or economic violence, intentional and regular acts resulting in a justified fear in person for his/her or a family member’s personal safety, regular violation of human dignity, extreme social isolation, forced abortion.