The right to freedom of assembly and association belongs to everyone. Another training at Police academy of Armenia
The relationship between citizens and the police plays an essential role in maintaining public order and having a peaceful society. The awareness and the human rights actions of the representatives of the state structures play a significant role in this. On this occasion, on April 12, 2021 a training on the Right to Free Assembly and Association was held at the Educational Center of the Police Academy of the Republic of Armenia, which was organized by New Generation Humanitarian NGO in cooperation with the RA Police Educational Center with the financial support of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.
Shushan Khnkoyan, the lawyer of New Generation Humanitarian NGO, spoke about the activities of the NGO and the goals of the training. After the introductory speech, attorney Anahit Mkrtchyan started the training session. She presented the domestic and international legislation on the topic, current issues as well as relfected on the police actions during assemblies.
During the training, the participants asked questions and received exhaustive answers.
Taking into consideration the current demonstrations in Armenia, the discussions were even more active and actual.
At the end of the training, the participants thanked for the training, considering it extremely effective and applicable.
New Generation Humanitarian NGO, in cooperation with the RA Police Educational Center and with support of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, has been organizing such training sessions since 2019; and this cooperation will be continuous.