We are glad to inform you that New Generation Humanitarian NGO organizes a two-day training course for CSO representatives.
The goal
The goal of the training is capacity building of CSO representatives in Armenia on Human Rights Protection, Project Design and Management, Monitoring and Reporting to develop more sensitive and professional attitude in the work with vulnerable groups of the society.
Training topics are:
Human Rights Protection: Domestic and International Protection Mechanisms,
Documentation of Human Rights Violations,
Stigma and Discrimination,
Project Design and Management.
When: March 11-12, 2020
During the training, participants will receive theoretical and practical knowledge, necessary literature, as well as practical assignments and consulting. The training can be the beginning of further cooperation with New Generation Humanitarian NGO.
Where: Training venues will provided additionally to the selected participants.
Working language of the training is Armenian.
Participation is free of charge. Accommodation and meal costs are covered by the organization.
The transportation of participants will be organized from Yerevan to the training venues.
How to apply:
To apply please fill in the Application form by February 24, 2021.