On November 20, 2020, the lawyers of New Generation Humanitarian NGO Lusine Gasparyan and Sirak Yeghiazaryan held a meeting-discussion with 11 doctors-infectious disease specialists and epidemiologists of the National Center for Infectious Diseases.
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the content of the guidelines on HIV-related services, in particular, Pre-Exposure (PrEP) and Post-Exposure (PEP) HIV prevention Prevention and their applicability.
The following topics were discussed with the doctors of NCID:
- Background to the development of national guidelines for pre-exposure and post-exposure HIV prevention
- Objectives of the guidelines
- Effectiveness and applicability of guidelines
- Observations on domestic mechanisms
- Steps taken to make the guidelines work in practice
- The international experience that underpins the development of the guidelines
- Suggestions for making changes in the guidelines.
During the discussion it was voiced that the guidelines are mainly developed on the basis of the WHO recommendations and innovations in evidence-based medicine, adapting everything to the peculiarities of the Armenian reality.
The discussion was meaningful and productive.