On May 20, 2020, an online training course for trans* people took place. The training focused on the development of trans* people’s capacities on HIV infection and the importance of testing, Sexuality and Right to Health topics.
In the first part of the online training, HIV expert Leon Chilingaryan presented the topic of HIV infection and the importance of testing. The trainer-expert spoke about HIV infection, transmission ways, HIV testing methods and importance.
The training was continued by sexuality expert Hmayak Avetisyan, who presented the topic with all its components: the concept of sexuality, biological and psychosocial sex, sexuality circles, sexual behavior, sexual orientation and gender identity, gender roles and culture.
The training was summed up by the organization’s lawyer Shushan Khnkoyan, who presented the Right to Health topic. She spoke about the human rights in recieving medical care and service, the types of state-guaranteed free medical care and service, also the rights and obligations of medical workers, as well as the RA Law on Prevention of the disease caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
The online training took place in a warm atmosphere, with participants having the opportunity to ask questions through comments and receive full answers.
The training was implemented by New Generation Humanitarian NGO in support to HIV Prevention among Trans* People project with funding of RA Ministry of Health and from the funds of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.