New Generation Humanitarian NGO implements the project aimed at HIV Prevention among MSM, LGBTI people, PWIDs and sex workers in Armenia, with the financial support of Elton John AIDS Foundation since August, 2018.
Within the framework of the project, outreach work is carried out in 8 regions of Armenia: Aragatsotn, Ararat, Armavir, Gegharkunik, Kotayk, Syunik, Vayots Dzor and Tavush. Outreach workers trained at the National Center for AIDS Prevention (NCAP) conduct saliva testing among MSM, LGBTI people, PWIDs and sex workers, provide them with preventive and educational materials and in case of HIV positive cases, refer them to NCAP.
Cooperation has been established between New Generation Humanitarian NGO and regional non-governmental organizations and medical institutions for their support in the implementation of this activity by providing venues for HIV consultation and testing, meetings and discussions with the project beneficiaries.
In this context close cooperation has been established with the National Center for Addictions Treatment CJSC. Within the frames of this cooperation, New Generation Humanitarian NGO provided technical assistance – a portable computer to the center for their readiness and support to HIV prevention, and for development of the center’s capacities for more effective organization of their work against HIV.
The Project is implemented with the Financial Suuport of Elton John AIDS Foundation