On June 28-29, 2018 LIFE-6 offsite Information Platform meeting was held within the framework of Right to Health project. This time the information platform was held for beginner Trans activists.
The goal of LIFE-6 offsite Information Platform is the awareness-raising and capacity building of Trans community representatives on the topics of Sexuality and Right to Health, enhancing their legal consciousness, acquainting them with the domestic and international human rights protection mechanisms as well as promoting the involvement of the community in the bodies of National Response to HIV.
Coordinator of Right to Health project, Artyom Movsesyan welcomed the participants, introduced to the goal and objectives of the project, implemented and future actions and activities, as well as the aim of LIFE information platform.
On the first day of the Information Platform, Sexuality expert Alik Ustyan presented the following topics: “Sexuality. Its definition and components”, “Biological sex”, “Sexual Identity and Sexual Behaviour”, “Sexual Orientation and its types”. “Gender and its types”, “Gender Expression”, “Gender Roles”, “Gender Stereotypes”, “Transgenderness and its Components”, Sexual Orientation of Transgender people”.
Also a plenary session was held on the first day of the Information Platform. Maxim Kasianczuk, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator of the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health, and Sona Orbelyan Monitoring and Evaluation specialist of Mission East Humanitarian Aid Organization, Armenian branch were the invited speakers of the session. They spoke about the role of Trans activists in the development of the community.
It is noteworthy that in his speech, Maxim Kasianczuk also noted that it was his first direct, face-to-face meeting with Trans sex workers in Armenia.
On the second day of the Information Platform, NGNGO lawyer, legal barriers overcoming specialist of the Right to Health project, Anahit Mkrtchyan introduced the topic of the Right to Health to the participants: she spoke about the state-guaranteed free medical care and service, also the RA healthcare workers’ low level of legal consciousness and of medical knowledge on LGBT+ related issues, their discriminatory attitude and prevention mechanisms of such manifestations of discrimination were discussed within the framework of the topic.
The entire meeting included interesting video-screenings and practical activities.
At the end of LIFE-6 Information Platform the participants were awarded with certificates of attendance.
“Right to Health” project is implemented by New Generation Humanitarian NGO with the financial support of the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) from the funds of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.