COVID-19 pandemic proved that MSM and trans* people experience a high epidemiological impact from the diseases, face increased risk, vulnerability, frequent human rights violations, social and economic marginalization, and/or criminalization — which reduces their access to essential services.
So there is a high need to increase the availability of HIV prevention services for MSM and trans* people and reduce barriers to accessing them in accordance with WHO principles and internationally recognized tools.
For this purpose, New Generation Humanitarian NGO conducted analysis on the packages of HIV-related services provided to MSM and trans* people in Armenia, focus group discussions among the beneficiary groups, to find out how the packages correspond to the needs and priorities of the beneficiary groups.
Based on the implemented research and FGD analysis, packages of HIV services for MSM and trans* people were developed.
Օn March 3, 2023, a meeting discussion of the developed packages was held by New Generation Humanitarian NGO. The meeting was launched with the welcoming speeches of Elena German, Capacity Building Coordinator of the Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexual Diversity, and Sergey Gabrielyan, NGNGO president, who stressed the importance of multisectoral cooperation aimed at improvement of HIV services for MSM and trans* people.
After the welcoming speeches, expert Hmayak Avetisyan delivered the prepared packages delivered to the attending stakeholder bodies, i.e. the representatives of the Global Fund Program Coordination Team, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia, HIV / AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Coordination Committee (CCM) of Armenia, the RA MoH National Center for Infectious Diseases, field international and local organizations and beneficiary communities.
The meeting was concluded with active discussions among community representatives, state and civil society representatives, who all expressed their willingness and interest in cooperation aimed at improvement of HIV services packages based on the presented recommendations and community needs.
The developed packages will also be submitted in written form to stakeholder bodies, and advocacy activities will be carried out to include them in the new country grant proposal of Armenia to the Global Fund.
The meeting-discussion was organized within «Moving Together Towards Quality and Equality: Improved Sustainable Services for ISPs in EECA» project implemented with the financial support of Eurasian Regional Consortium.