NGNGO delegates at AIDS-2024 International Conference

AIDS-2024, the 25th International AIDS Conference took place in Munich, Germany, on July 22-26, 2024.

This conference is the premier global platform to advance the HIV response. As the world’s largest conference on HIV and AIDS, it sits uniquely at the intersection of science, advocacy and human rights, bringing together scientists, policy makers, healthcare professionals, people living with HIV, funders, media and communities.

Delegates from New Generation Humanitarian NGO (NG NGO) – Sergey Gabrielyan and Alina Mirzoyan also attended the conference, including the pre-conference sessions from 20 to 21 July.

The NG NGO delegates actively participated in the conference sessions, workshops, networking events, met old and new colleagues and friends from around the globe, shared experiences and good practices.

On July 20th at AIDS 2024 _ Key Populations & HIV Prevention Pre-Conference session, NGNGO president Sergey Gabrielyan presented the HIV situation, prevention services among key populations, migrants and refugee situation in Armenia, and highlighted the importance of KP engagement in all levels of HIV response.

New Generation Humanitarian NGO expresses deepest gratitude to Global Black Gay Men Connect for their invaluable help and opportunity of participation in this highly important conference.

The participation in the conference, meetings, discussions, presented abstracts, satellite sessions, and many other events at the conference have significantly expanded NG NGO’s network, and presence in the global health community.