On July 27-28, 2023, a training course about the response and prevention against pandemics and epidemics like COVID-19, MPV and HIV, ways of transmission and prevention methods and treatment was held for key population groups having migrated to Armenia due to the Russian-Ukrainian war.
The training course was aimed at raising the awareness of key populations on the ways of transmission and methods of prevention of COVID-19, Mpox, and HIV as well as hold an information platform on accessibility and sustainability of health services in Armenia.
The training course was launched with a discussion on accessibility and sustainability of health services in Armenia within the framework of which the participants got acquainted with the available services, then had the opportunity to ask their questions and speak up about their needs to experts representing state, international and local structures: Roza Babayan, Country Manager of the United Nations Joint Program on HIV/AIDS, Armenia; Astghik Davidyan, Doctor, infectiologist at the National Center for Infectious Diseases; Lusine Yeghiazaryan, Deputy director for scientific affairs of the National Center for Pulmonology, Lyubov Nikolayan, Senior clinical specialist in National Center for Pulmonology; Nushik Hakobjanyan, National Center for Addictions Treatment, NGNGO and other participating experts.
Shushan Khnkoyan, an expert on legal issues of NG NGO, also introduced the topic of Right to Health to the participants, presented them the domestic and international protection mechanisms, rights related to the health of Armenian citizens, the RA Law “On Medical Care and Services of the Population”, domestic and international legislative regulations prohibiting discrimination.
As a result of the training course, the participants enhanced their knowledge of the HIV and COVID-19, became familiar with the possibilities of Mpox prevention, ways of transmission, symptoms, treatment opportunities, where to apply for related health, legal and other services. They also had the opportunity to voice their problems and needs regarding access to health services, legal protection mechanisms and procedures, etc.
The training also included meetings with Country Manager of UNAIDS Armenia, UNHCR Protection Associate, Head of the Asylum Issues and Legal Support Department of the Migration and Citizenship Service of the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Internal Affairs, Infectiologist of the National Center of Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of Armenia, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs, Senior Clinical Specialist of the National Center for Pulmonology, Doctors of the National Center for Addictions Treatment of the Ministry of Health of Armenia, lawyers, attorneys, NG NGO representatives and other invited experts.
During the meetings the participants were also acquainted with the available services and opportunities, legislation and other procedures related to migrants, refugees rights, applications etc., and later they also had the opportunity to address their questions, present their issues and needs to the attending experts.
The training was organized within the framework of the project Awareness Raising and Prevention in Response to the Pandemic Outbreak implemented by New Generation Humanitarian NGO with financial support of Gilead Sciences Inc.