On 13 January 2023, a meeting-discussion with participation of all the stakeholders was held, organized by New Generation Humanitarian NGO within the framework of Ensuring the Sustainability of HIV/TB Responses among KPs in Armenia within the Transition Period project financed by the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA).
Representatives of the state sector (Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia, National Center for Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia, National Center for Pulmonology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia, CCM), as well as representatives of non-governmental organizations operating in the field and key populations (MSM, CSW, TG) participated in the meeting.
The results of the Benchmarking Sustainability of the HIV Response among Key Populations in Armenia in the Context of Transition from Global Fund’s Support to Domestic Funding analysis were presented, in particular, the process of fulfilling the obligations assumed by the state, achievements and challenges.
The participants of the discussion agreed that the presented research is unique for Armenia, expressed their opinions, comments, observations, which will be reflected in the final version of the report.