On September 22-23 , 2022, the 2nd capacity building training was held for the families, i.e. wives of Armenian labour migrants on the topics of “Women’s Rights”, “Gender Equality”, “Feminist Leadership”.
At the beginning of the training, Taguhi Galstyan, the assistant of the New Generation the Humanitarian NGO (NGNGO) welcomed the participants, thanked them for attendance and presented the organization, its strategic goals, main areas of activity, implemented actions and provided services.
After the opening speech, trainer, NGNGO legal expert Shushan Khnkoyan introduced to the participants the topic of “Women’s rights” , first of all, presenting the human rights , after which the trainer passed to the discussion of women’s rights, what they include, in particular.
After the presentation of “Women’s rights” , the participants were introduced to the topic of “Feminist leadership”, in the framework of which the expert spoke about the fight for women’s rights, the feminist movement and the international days dedicated to the protection of women’s rights.
The training was concluded with the presentation of the topic “Gender Equality”. Within the framework of the topic, Shushan Khnkoyan introduced the participants to the international and domestic mechanisms and legal acts that establish the equality of women and men, prevent domestic violence and other related mechanisms.
The training went on in an atmosphere of active questions and answers, group work and discussions. At the end of the training, participants were awarded with certificates of participation.
The training was organized within the framework of the project Ensuring Social Well-Being and Empowerment of Migrants’ Families, implemented by New Generation Humanitarian NGO and supported by the BEARR Trust Small Grants Scheme.