On September 22-23, 2022, a two-day capacity building and empowerment training for CSO representatives was held in Tsagakadzor.
The aim of the training was to raise awareness among Armenian CSO representatives about human rights protection, specificities of work with vulnerable groups, domestic and international protection mechanisms, documentation of human rights violations, stigma and discrimination, project design and management.
The expert of the first day was NGNGO lawyer Lusine Gasparyan, who familiarized the participants with the main legal terms, their meaning, referred to the features of the protection of the rights of vulnerable groups, unique aspects of the work with them, domestic and international protection mechanisms, told how NGOs can document cases of rights violations in related situations.
The second day was mainly devoted to project design and management skills, which was addressed by Hmayak Avetisyan, the Capacity Building Coordinator of the NGNGO. First of all, the participants thoroughly got acquainted with the structure of the project application, the features of its presentation, the skills of making a budget, and then, within the framework of a practical group work, they independently developed project applications with their own budgets.
At the end of the course, the participants were awarded certificates.
The training was organized within the framework of Capacity Building and Empowerment for Protection of Human Rights in Armenia project with financial support of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.