Meeting with an expert from the Netherlands on legal recognition of gender identity
On February 2nd, 2022 online meeting discussion took place between Dr. Marjolein van den Brink, Assistant Professor, lecturer at Human Rights section (SIM) of Utrecht School of Law, a member of the Utrecht Centre for European Research into Family Law, and representatives of New Generation Humanitarian NGO on the current human rights standards related to legal recognition of gender identity, legal regulations, current topics and trends.
During the meeting the expert presented the Dutch legal framework in the field, basics, the different regimes for gender registration of intersex and trans people, existing procedures for legal gender recognition, as well as trans provisions and pending proposals.
Next, Dr. van den Brink introduced the international human rights standards and complinace of the Dutch legal framework with the ILHR.
At the end of the meeting the participants also discussed the legislation of Armenia in this relation and possible ways of reforms on the basis of international and Dutch experience.