The cooperation between New Generation Humanitarian NGO and the Police Education Center of the Republic of Armenia continues in the context of organizing training sessions for police officers passing requalification at the Education Center.
On October 22, 2021, New Generation Humanitarian NGO conducted a training on the topic of Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly for police officers passing requalification at the Police Education Center of Armenia.
At the beginning of the training, organization’s representative Lusine Gasparyan greeted all the participants, introduced the organization and spheres of its activity, the aim of the training, the topics, the expert, expressing gratitude to Police Academy and Education Center for the continuous cooperation.
After the greeting speech and introduction, trainer-expert Robert Revazyan presented the training topic – the Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly. He spoke about the protection of human rights, domestic legislation on peaceful assemblies, gaps in this area and mechanisms for their solution. Then, the expert presented comparisons on the international experience of human rights protection and peaceful assembly.
Examples of cases submitted to the European Court of Human Rights were also discussed.
The whole training process was accompanied with active questions and answers and discussions.
The training was organized by New Generation Humanitarian NGO in cooperation with the Police Education Center of the Republic of Armenia with the financial support of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.