On April 15, 2021 a seminar-training on Sexually Transmitted Infections and Their Prevention was held in the meeting hall of the National Center for Infectious Diseases CJSC of the RA Ministry of Health, which was organized by New Generation Humanitarian NGO (NGNGO) within the framework of “HIV Prevention in Armenia” program.
The aim of the seminar-training was to provide basic knowledge on sexually transmitted infections to outreach workers of NGNGO for providing advice to beneficiaries and more professional approach during testing.
The expert of the seminar-training was Vrezh Shahramanyan, sexologist of YSMU Clinic of Sexology, lecturer of the chair, associate professor of medical sciences , who introduced the participants to the types of sexually transmitted infections, the ways of their transmission, methods of prevention and treatment. Special reference was made to the ways of HIV prevention taking into consideration the job characteristics of the NGNGO outreach workers and the importance of their knowledge during testing. The discussion of the topic was accompanied by active questions and clarifications. At the end of the seminar-training the participants were given certificates.
Realizing double vulnerability to HIV in case of having sexually transmitted infections, New Generation Humanitarian NGO has established cooperation with the “National Center for Dermatology” CJSC in Yerevan, “Gugarq” Central Policlinic CJSC in Vanadzor and “№ 2 Policlinic after N. Melikyan” CJSC in Gyumri within the framework of HIV prevention programs. In the scope of the cooperation, the beneficiaries of the HIV prevention programs get the opportunity to receive free counseling, screening and treatment for sexually transmitted infections.
HIV Prevention in Armenia project is implemented by New Generation Humanitarian NGO with financial support of the RA Ministry of Health from the funds of The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria through the National Center for Infectious Diseases CJSC of the RA Ministry of Health.
New Generation Humanitarian NGO is thankful to the National Center for Infectious Diseases CJSC of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia, for supporting the implementation of the seminar-training and for providing the meeting hall.