On November 20, 2020, the lawyers of New Generation Humanitarian NGO Lusine Gasparyan and Sirak Yeghiazaryan held a meeting-discussion with 11 doctors-infectious disease specialists and epidemiologists of the National Center for Infectious Diseases.



The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the content of the guidelines on HIV-related services, in particular, Pre-Exposure (PrEP) and Post-Exposure (PEP) HIV prevention Prevention and their applicability.


The following topics were discussed with the doctors of NCID:


  1. Background to the development of national guidelines for pre-exposure and post-exposure HIV prevention
  2. Objectives of the guidelines
  3. Effectiveness and applicability of guidelines
  4. Observations on domestic mechanisms
  5. Steps taken to make the guidelines work in practice
  6. The international experience that underpins the development of the guidelines
  7. Suggestions for making changes in the guidelines.


During the discussion it was voiced that the guidelines are mainly developed on the basis of the WHO recommendations and innovations in evidence-based medicine, adapting everything to the peculiarities of the Armenian reality.


The discussion was meaningful and productive.