On September 3-5, 2020, LIFE-14 offline training was held within the framework of “Fighting against discrimination in Armenia” project. This time the training was held for beginner CSW activists.
The goal of LIFE-14 offsite training is the awareness-raising and capacity building of CSW community representatives on the topics of Leadership and Human Rights, enhancing their legal consciousness, acquainting them with the domestic and international human rights protection mechanisms .
The president of New Generation Humanitarian NGO, Sergey Gabrielyan, joined the offline training and delivered a welcoming speech. In his speech he expressed his joy at seeing the active participants, and presented the history, fields of activity and priorities of the organization.
The first part of the first day of the training was dedicated to the topic Domestic and International Mechanisms of Human Rights Protection, ECHR which was presented by trainer-expert Sirak Eghiazaryan who spoke about the concept of human rights, generations of human rights, domestic and international protection systems. At the end of the training, the European Convention on Human Rights and the procedure for applying to the ECHR were presented.
The day continued with the topic Prevention of Stigma and Discrimination within the framework of which trainer expert Lusine Gasparyan presented the definition of discrimination, types and protected bases of discrimination, discriminatory terms and their non-discriminatory variants.
On the second day of the training the participants got acquainted with the topic Leadership and Activism. Trainer expert Hmayak Avetisyan introduced the participants to the concept of leadership, the description of leadership, the characteristics of a leader, as well as the types of leadership. He also presented the history of activism, the precedents of the movements, need for activists to protect the rights of the vulnerable groups. The expert also spoke about the work of Country Coordinating Mechanism and the importance of community engagement in decision-making processes.
Naira Sergeyeva, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist of the Global Fund projects of RA Ministry of Health, was invited to meet the participants. In her speech she referred to the RA National Program in Response to HIV and AIDS, spoke about the HIV infection, as well as discussed the problems raised by the participants.
The second day of the information platform was dedicated to legal topics. Experts Arman Gharibyan and Ara Gharagyozyan presented topics Freedom of Speech vs Hate Speech and Torture, during which the trainers presented the definitions of freedom of speech, hate speech, torture and their legal regulations.
“Fighting against discrimination in Armenia” project is implemented by New Generation Humanitarian NGO with the financial support of Sweden.