On November 23-24, 2023, the two-day off-site LIFE Information Platform was held for young people forcibly displaced from Artsakh in the consequence of the full-scale aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan in 2023.


The Information Platform was aimed at developing the capacities of the Artsakh Armenian youth in legal and healthcare sectors, forming skills related to protection of human rights and advocacy, fight against trafficking, as well as promoting control and prevention of epidemics and pandemics through raising awareness of the transmission ways, prevention methods and treatment.


The Information Platform was launched with a welcome remarks by Sergey Gabrielyan, President of New Generation Humanitarian NGO, followed by introduction of human rights, local and international protection mechanisms by attorney Anahit Chilingaryan.


Afterwards, the participants developed and enhanced their knowledge on sexually transmitted infections, as well as their prevention and treatment during the training session conducted by Emil Mirzoyan, Head of the STI Department of the National Centre for Burns and Dermatology CJSC under the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia.



Anna Asatryan, Head of the Substitution Maintenance Therapy Service of the National Center for Addictions Treatment CJSC under the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Armenia presented the topics “Psychoactive substances. Methadone maintenance treatment” to the participants.

The first day of the Platform was wrapped up with the introduction and discussion of the topic on trafficking.

The next day of the platform focused on the introduction and discussion of such topics as “HIV and AIDS: ways of transmission and prevention”, “Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): Coping with Loss” and “COVID-19, MPV: Prevention of pandemics”.

The Information Platform was concluded with a plenary discussion with the participation of Sevak Petrosyan, Deputy Head of the Asylum and Legal Affairs Division of Migration and Citizenship Service under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, Lilit Antonyan, Representative of the Embassy of the United States of America to Armenia, Naira Marutyan, UNHCR Protection Associate. During the discussion, the invited experts talked about the programs and opportunities available at their institutions for the population, especially for the youth displaced from Artsakh, the Platform participants voiced the issues faced in Armenia by the Artsakh Armenian youth, discussed the possible solutions and proposals.  

The Information Platform was held in an active atmosphere, accompanied by intense discussions, theoretical and practical activities. As a result of the Information Platform, the participants strengthened their awareness in legal and healthcare sectors, expanded knowledge on HIV, COVID-19, MPV became familiar with prevention methods and ways of transmission, as well as were informed where to apply in order to receive the relevant healthcare, legal and other services. The Platform participants also had the opportunity to bring up their issues and discuss the ways of their solution with the representatives of international and local institutions.


The training was organized within the framework of the project Awareness Raising and Prevention in Response to the Pandemic Outbreak implemented by New Generation Humanitarian NGO with financial support of Gilead Sciences Inc.