On October 26-27, 2023, LIFE (Leadership, Information, Freedom and Equality) information platform was held for 30 emerging leaders and activists on the topics of Leadership and Activism, Human Rights, Domestic and International Protection Mechanisms, Labor Rights,
about the response and prevention against pandemics and epidemics like COVID-19, MPV and HIV, ways of transmission and prevention methods and treatment.
The training course was aimed at building the leadership and activist capacities of emerging leaders, raising their legal and health consciousness and enhancing their human rights protection and advocacy skills, promoting the response and prevention against pandemics and epidemics like COVID-19, MPox and HIV, through awareness raising of their transmission routes, and prevention methods.
The information platform was launched with welcoming speech of NGNGO President Sergey Gabrielyan.
After the welcoming, the 1st session on the topic of human rights, local and international protection mechanisms, labor rights was conducted by NGNGO lawyer Shushan Khnkoyan. Within the topic, Shushan Khnkoyan also introduced the rights of a citizen taken to the police station.
Next, the participants developed their activism and leadership skills and knowledge through the session conducted by Sergey Gabrielyan.
During the first day of the platform, the participants were also introduced to the topic of Methadone Maintenance Treatment by invited expert Anna Asatryan, Head of the Maintenance Treatment Service of the National Center for Addictions Treatment CJSC of the Ministry of Healthcare of Armenia.
The next day was dedicated to promoting the awareness and response to pandemics and epidemics like COVID-19, MPV and HIV, ways of transmission and prevention methods and treatment.
The sessions were conducted by outreach workers of New Generation Humanitarian NGO who had previously passed requalification trainings by the experts of the National Center for Infectious Diseases and New Generation Humanitarian NGO.
The information platform passed in an active atmosphere with many enthusiastic discussions and practice activities.
As a result of the information platform, the participants developed and reinforced their leadership and activism skills, increased their legal and health consciousness, enhanced their knowledge of the HIV and COVID-19, became familiar with the possibilities of Mpox prevention, ways of transmission, symptoms, treatment opportunities, where to apply for related health, legal and other services. They also had the opportunity to raise their awareness about drugs and methadone replacement treatment, etc.
The training was organized by New Generation Humanitarian NGO with financial support of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and Gilead Sciences Inc․