Survey of Stigma among People Living with HIV

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The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG), AIDS Action Europe (AAE) and the EU HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and TB Civil Society Forum (CSF) are working with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to understand the experience of stigma for people living with HIV in Europe and Central Asia. If you are living with HIV, you can help by answering this survey. 

The survey is anonymous and confidential. No information will be collected that allows for the identification of participants. IP addresses will also not be recorded.


The survey should take between 10-20 minutes to complete, and questions are focused on your experience of HIV related stigma and discrimination.

As some of the situations mentioned in the questionnaire are sensitive, may constitute breaches of your rights, or have negative impacts on your wellbeing, in the link below you can find a list of contacts or organisations working with people living with HIV in European countries. These can either provide you with support or assist you in seeking support. Should you require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact them. This link will also be available at the end of the survey.